Legal notice

The domain and the IMCV website are owned and managed by the Interuniversity Academic Commission of the Master denominated «Máster Universitario en Visión por Computador (Computer Vision)/ Grao de Mestre em Visão por Computador» organized by Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC), Universidade de A Coruña (UDC), Universidade de Vigo (UVigo) and Universidade do Porto (UPorto).

The Inter-universitary Academic Commission of the Master is composed by the following professors of the four organizing universities:

  • Xose Manuel Pardo López, USC. Interuniversity master’s coordinator, and master’s coordinator at USC
  • Jose Rouco Maseda, UDC. Master’s coordinator at UDC.
  • José Luis Alba Castro, UVigo. Master’s coordinator at UVigo.
  • Jaime Cardoso, UPorto. Master’s coordinator at UPorto.
  • Eva Cernadas García, USC.
  • Jorge Novo Buján, UDC.
  • Antonio Fernández Álvarez, UVigo.
  • Luis Filipe Teixeira, UPorto.


The information contained in this website is for general information purposes only. We are committed to ensuring that the content of the site is accurate and up to date. Without prejudice to the assumption of this commitment, we are not in a position to offer, nor does it offer any guarantee, regarding the accuracy of the information of any kind collected on the website which, by error or omission, is incorrect or may have become outdated. In order to minimize the inconvenience caused by possible errors, we recommend the use of these as a guide.